We can help you with the science, so you can focus on your training.

  • Ramp Test.

    We offer these tests, but if you have a lactate meter, this is the protocol we use. Designed for cyclists, our testing protocol helps you identify LT1 and LT2—key thresholds for optimising training. It will provide you with the intensities, plot a graph, and define the thresholds.

  • Maximum Lactate Steady State.

    The MLSS test is crucial for cyclists seeking to optimize their training by identifying their maximal lactate steady state. Our tool offers a detailed protocol for conducting the tes. Use our protocols at home with your lactate monitor to get accurate results, adjust training zones, and improve performance.

  • VLaMax and Lactate Clearance

    Discover your VLaMax, the maximal lactate accumulation rate, to understand how quickly your body produces lactate during intense exercise. This helps to reveal your anaerobic power, helping you fine-tune your training. Let’s optimise your performance together by balancing your anaerobic and aerobic capabilities for the best results.

Lactate Ramp Test Protocol

Lactate testing is a tool for cyclists seeking to optimise their training. Understanding lactate thresholds enables athletes to better assess their performance and endurance. The Saddle Up Cycling lactate testing tool offers a detailed protocol for accurately measuring blood lactate levels during exercise. This includes structured warm-up phases and incremental efforts to collect vital data. By leveraging these insights, cyclists can tailor their training programmes to enhance efficiency and achieve peak performance.

At Saddle Up Cycling, we offer lactate testing services. However, if you already own a lactate monitor, we are happy to share the tools and protocols we use so you can conduct the testing at home. This ensures you get accurate and reliable results, helping you to adjust your training zones effectively.

To use the tool, start by inputting your estimated Functional Threshold Power (FTP) and selecting the step length for your test, which is typically recommended at 6 minutes for consistency. The calculator then generates a step-by-step protocol for your test, including a more extended warm-up block to prepare your body for the effort.

During each step, you will collect blood lactate samples and record your heart rate. This data is crucial for determining your lactate thresholds. For each power level, input the heart rate and lactate values into the calculator. The tool will then analyze the data and provide results.

The results are displayed alongside a visual graph, which helps you identify where lactate levels start to rise. This graphical representation aids in determining your lactate thresholds more accurately and helps adjust your training zones accordingly.

Power at 2 mmol/L:

This value, the power output at which the lactate level reaches 2 mmol/L, is a key factor in understanding aerobic capacity and comparing between tests.

Bsln + 0.5 (LT1):

This metric shows the power output at which lactate significantly rises 0.5mmol from the initial resting baseline measurement. It helps identify the point where lactate accumulates more rapidly, often considered the first lactate threshold (LT1).

Power at 4 mmol/L:

This value indicates the power output at which the lactate level reaches 4 mmol/L. It is often associated with anaerobic capacity and the intensity at which lactate begins to accumulate significantly.

Mod Dmax (LT2):

This is the power output determined using the Modified Dmax method, which identifies the point of maximal deviation on the lactate curve. It is a more refined way to estimate the second lactate threshold (LT2).

While the Lactate Testing is a powerful tool, it is essential to acknowledge its limitations. Lactate monitors can be prone to error. To confidently understand your lactate profile, at least three to four rounds of testing are recommended to eliminate erroneous readings and obtain reliable data throughout a season.


Maximum Lactate Steady State

So you've already completed an incremental test and are now looking to fine-tune your training zones. Understanding your Maximal Lactate Steady State (MLSS) is key to this process. MLSS represents the highest exercise intensity at which lactate production and clearance are balanced, clearly indicating your endurance capabilities. The Saddle Up Cycling MLSS testing tool offers a precise method for measuring blood lactate levels during exercise. This protocol includes a structured warm-up and incremental power stages to gather essential data. By leveraging these insights, cyclists can adjust their training plans to enhance efficiency and achieve peak performance.

While general lactate testing provides an overview of your lactate profile, this specific protocol is tailored to accurately determine your MLSS. Traditionally, MLSS testing spans several days, but research by Palmer et al. (1999) shows that a single-day protocol works just as well

If this is your first time testing for MLSS, you can typically enter a number 10% below your FTP. Start with a 15-minute warm-up, ramp it up steadily, no spin-ups! Then, perform a 10-minute steady effort at about 95% of your estimate, checking blood lactate at 3 and 9 minutes. If lactate remains stable, increase power by 5% for another 10-minute stage, again checking blood at 3 and 9 minutes. Continue this pattern, bumping up power by 5% each stage, until you see a significant lactate spike. This increase marks your threshold, falling between the current and previous stages. If you need to stop, you can resume another day from your last comfortable stage. If the first step increases by more than 1 mmol between minutes 3 and 9, you started too high. Take complete rest, and ideally start the test the next day.

Make sure you make note of any food you consumed before the test, ideally don’t eat 90 minutes before.

MLSS Result:

Not calculated yet.

VlaMax and Lactate Clearance

Now that you've explored MLSS, it's time to delve into your anaerobic capabilities. VLaMax, which stands for maximal lactate accumulation rate, measures how quickly your body can produce lactate during high-intensity efforts. This metric indicates your anaerobic power, showing how well your muscles generate energy anaerobically.

Understanding VLaMax, along with your lactate clearance rate, provides insight into both your anaerobic power and recovery efficiency. The Saddle Up Cycling VLaMax and Lactate Clearance Rate Calculator is designed to help you capture these critical data points.

After a spinning your legs easy for 10-15 minutes, take the initial base line lactate reading. You will then immediately perform a maximal 20-second effort to elevate lactate levels. Big gear, big effort followed by complete rest, off the bike. Take blood samples at 3, 5, 7, and 20 minutes post-exercise. These measurements are for determining VLaMax and lactate clearance rate.

VLaMax is calculated by subtracting baseline lactate from peak lactate post-sprint and dividing by the effort duration. A higher VLaMax indicates greater anaerobic capacity, which is beneficial for short, intense efforts. Lactate clearance rate is measured by the drop in lactate levels from 3 to 20 minutes post-exercise. A higher clearance rate indicates better aerobic efficiency, crucial for recovery and sustained efforts.

Additionally, incorporating your VO2 Max, if known, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your energy system contributions. VO2 Max represents the maximum volume of oxygen your body can utilize during intense exercise, reflecting your aerobic capacity. By comparing VO2 Max with VLaMax, you can determine the balance between your aerobic and anaerobic systems, tailoring your training plan to enhance both endurance and high-intensity performance. For more information and to calculate your VO2 Max, visit the Power Calculator.

Power and Lactate Testing Protocol

Generate power steps and record heart rate and lactate levels at different percentages of FTP over specific time intervals.

\( \text{Total Test Duration} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \text{Step Length}_i \)

\( \text{Elapsed Time}_i = \sum_{j=1}^{i} \text{Step Length}_j \)

\( \text{Power}_i = \text{FTP} \times \text{Percentage}_i \)

Heart Rate and Lactate Data Input

Input fields for heart rate and lactate levels at different power steps.

Linear Regression for Lactate Curve

Perform linear regression on power and lactate levels to determine the slope and intercept of the lactate curve.

\( \text{Slope} = \frac{n \sum (x \cdot y) - (\sum x) (\sum y)}{n \sum x^2 - (\sum x)^2} \)

\( \text{Intercept} = \frac{\sum y - \text{Slope} \cdot \sum x}{n} \)

Power and Heart Rate at Specific Lactate Levels

Calculate power and heart rate at 2 mmol/L and 4 mmol/L lactate levels.

\( \text{Power at 2 mmol/L} = \frac{2 - \text{Intercept}}{\text{Slope}} \)

\( \text{Power at 4 mmol/L} = \frac{4 - \text{Intercept}}{\text{Slope}} \)

Baseline + 0.5 mmol/L Lactate (LTP1)

Determine the power and heart rate at baseline lactate level plus 0.5 mmol/L.

\( \text{Baseline Lactate} = \text{Lactate Level}_0 \)

\( \text{Threshold Lactate} = \text{Baseline Lactate} + 0.5 \)

Modified Dmax Method (LT2)

Determine the power and heart rate using the Modified Dmax method by finding the point with the maximum distance from the line connecting the start and end points of the lactate curve.

\( \text{Distance}_i = \frac{|\text{y}_2 - \text{y}_1 \cdot x_i - (\text{x}_2 - \text{x}_1) \cdot y_i + \text{x}_2 \cdot \text{y}_1 - \text{y}_2 \cdot \text{x}_1|}{\sqrt{(\text{y}_2 - \text{y}_1)^2 + (\text{x}_2 - \text{x}_1)^2}} \)

MLSS Calculation Protocol

Determine the Maximum Lactate Steady State (MLSS) by evaluating the lactate levels at various power stages.

\( \text{Initial Power Step} = 0.95 \times \text{Estimated MLSS} \)

\( \text{Power Increment} = \text{Estimated MLSS} \times \left( \frac{\text{Increment}}{100} \right) \)

\( \text{Lactate Difference}_{i} = \text{Lactate}_{i,9min} - \text{Lactate}_{i,3min} \)

\( \text{MLSS} = \text{Power}_{i-1} \quad \text{where} \quad \text{Lactate Difference}_{i} > 1 \, \text{mmol/L} \)

Baseline Lactate Measurement Protocol

Measure the baseline lactate level after a rest period following the initial warm-up.

\( \text{Baseline Lactate} = \text{Lactate Level}_{\text{rest}} \)

For baseline lactate values above 2.4 mmol/L, a waiting period of 5 minutes is required before re-entering the value.

Post-Exercise Lactate Measurement Protocol

Record lactate levels at multiple time points post-exercise: 3, 5, 7, and 20 minutes.

\( \text{Lactate}_{3min} = \text{Lactate Level}_{3min} \)

\( \text{Lactate}_{5min} = \text{Lactate Level}_{5min} \)

\( \text{Lactate}_{7min} = \text{Lactate Level}_{7min} \)

\( \text{Lactate}_{20min} = \text{Lactate Level}_{20min} \)

VLaMax Calculation

Calculate the maximum lactate accumulation rate (VLaMax) using the difference between lactate levels at 3 minutes post-exercise and the baseline lactate level.

\( \text{VLaMax} = \frac{\text{Lactate}_{3min} - \text{Baseline Lactate}}{16} \)

Energy System Contribution Calculation

Determine the aerobic and anaerobic contributions using VLaMax and VO2 max.

\( \text{Total System} = \text{VLaMax} + \left( \frac{\text{VO2 max}}{100} \right) \)

The anaerobic contribution is calculated as:

\( \text{Anaerobic Contribution} = \left( \frac{\text{VLaMax}}{\text{Total System}} \right) \times 100 \)

The aerobic contribution is calculated as:

\( \text{Aerobic Contribution} = \left( \frac{\left( \frac{\text{VO2 max}}{100} \right)}{\text{Total System}} \right) \times 100 \)

Lactate Clearance Rate Calculation

Determine the lactate clearance rate by measuring the drop in lactate levels from 3 to 20 minutes post-exercise.

\( \text{Lactate Clearance Rate} = \frac{\text{Lactate}_{3min} - \text{Lactate}_{20min}}{17} \)